/ #software architecture #solid 

Architecting for the Enterprise: Single Responsability Principle

A class should have one, and only one, reason to change.


In object-oriented computer programming, the term SOLID is an acronym for five design principles intended to make software designs more understandable, flexible and maintainable. The principles are a subset of many principles promoted by Robert C. Martin. The theory of SOLID principles was introduced by Martin in his 2000 paper Design Principles and Design Patterns, although the SOLID acronym itself was introduced later by Michael Feathers.

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

A responsibility is a reason to change. The principle says:

A class should have one, and only one, reason to change.

The idea is that each class should be built around one core task. Let’s say a class has methods A () and B (). A single change to method A () would require a recompile of method B () which hasn’t been changed.

A common visual example when explaining SRP is a Swiss Knife. It has tools for everything but if for some reason one of the tools needs to be replaced you have to dismantle the whole set.

Consider the following code:

public class BarberShop
    public void OpenDoor()
        //Open the door if the time is equal to 9AM

    public void ServiceClient(Client client)
        //Check if the shop is opened and then
        //service a client if there’s any

    public void CloseDoor()
        //Close the door at 5:30PM

The above code is violating the SRP by mixing the OpenDoor and CloseDoor responsibility with the core ServiceClient functionality.

A better implementation would be abstracting the OpenDoor and CloseDoor to an IDoor interface and inject that interface to the BarberShop controller. By doing that you can fix the SRP violation and also you are complying with the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP). I’m going to address DIP in another post.

The new implementation is similar to the code below these lines. Granted, it is longer and somehow more verbose than the first one. But who said that good software is easy to write?

public class BarberShop
    IDoor _door;

    public BarberShop(IDoor door)
        _door = door;

    public void OpenShop()

    public void ServiceClient()
        //Check if the shop is opened and then
        //service a client if there’s any

    public void CloseShop()

public interface IDoor
    void OpenDoor();
    void CloseDoor();

public class Door : IDoor
    public void OpenDoor()
        //Open the door if the time is equal to 9AM

    public void CloseDoor()
        //Close the door at 5:30PM

Now that you understand the SRP I’ll give you a word of caution, SRP should NOT be taken to the limit. Yes, your classes should be as simple as possible and focus on a main core task. But you still need places to accommodate all the logic that the system requires. Avoid creating classes that are all properties with little or no behavior.

Hopefully this post helped you to better understand the S part of the SOLID word. Let me know your opinion.

Dino Esposito, Andrea Saltarello, Microsoft .Net: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise, 2014, Pg 65, Microsoft Press.
Uncle Bob: The Principles of OOD
Wikipedia: SOLID

Disclaimer: The image above contains my Amazon affiliate link. If you buy the book from it, I will receive a small commission that will go towards covering the cost of this website. However, the content of this post is my honest opinion, and in no way it is influenced by any possible sell. I’m also a proud owner of a copy of the book, for which a paid full price.


Abraham Laria

Sr. Software Engineer at Pinnacle Entertainment Inc. Aspiring Solution Architect, interested in Team Management.